Birds Opening Tactics

Birds Opening Tactics
Bird's Opening (or the Dutch Attack) is a chess opening move:

1. f4

Bird's is a standard but never popular flank opening. White's strategic ideas involve control of the e5-square without occupying it, but his first move is also non-developing and slightly weakens his kingside. Black may challenge White's plan to control e5 immediately by playing From's Gambit (1...e5!?). However, the From's Gambit is notoriously double edged and should only be played after significant study.

1...d5, when the game can take on the character of a Dutch Defence (1.d4 f5) with colors reversed.

One line Taylor pure Bird Variation is after 1.f4 c5. White into the Grand Prix or Closed Sicilian variations.
1.f4 c5
2.Nf3 g6
3.e4 Bg7
4.Be2 d6
5.0-0 Nf6
6.d3 .... a setup used more than once by Bent Larsen.

Bird Variation
1. f4 d5
2. Nf3 Nf6
3. e3 g6
4. Be2 Bg7

1.... Nf6
2. Nf3 g6
3. e3 Bg7
4. Be2 O-O

1. f4 e6
2. g4 Qh4#

From Gambit
1.... e5
2. fxe5 d6
3. exd6 Bxd6
4. Nf3 Nf6

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